Monday, January 25, 2010

A monumental weekend full of exclamation points.

My friend J took me for a mani pedi for my birthday on Saturday. It's Monday afternoon now and all my polish is still intact -- even on my fingernails! You dishwashing, toilet-cleaning, laundry-folding, dinner-making women (or men 'cause I don't want to be accused of being sexist) know what a major feat that is! I continue to be amazed! That was followed by an evening of great gringo sushi (the kind that's fried and smothered in mayo) with Big Guns. On the way home, we stopped at the market for ice cream and Hard Shell. Let me wax poetic about that fine product for a minute. It allows you to re-create a Foster's Freeze's dipped cone in the comfort of your own home! It cracks like the shell of creme brulee only melts in your mouth. It's sweet and a little salty and is just about the world's most perfect food!! Get yourself a bottle now!

On Sunday, Big Guns and I went to the Cupertino Whole Foods which is the uber store, the jewel in the crown, the Whole Foods to beat all Whole Foods -- three football fields of shiny floors and artfully arranged food stuffs and employees who seem really happy to be working there. We picked up takeout dinner from a vast assortment of buffets (Chinese? Greek? Mexican?) and Big Guns bought me the Le Crueset soup pot I wanted for my birthday (Thanks, sweetie). From there, we went to the multiplex to beat all multiplexes (Oakridge Mall) and saw The Book of Eli, which Big Guns was excited for since he is a self-professed buff of "action/adventure" movies. We were both satisfied, however, since it also had a story.

Overall, a lot of monumental experiences followed by this morning where I got my ass kicked in Pilates then BOSU and came home to a house that felt like a meat locker. Who else is longing for spring?

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