Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Movie review: I love you, man.

Watched this on DVD with my big boy and Big Guns. According to Common Sense, some website my baby's friend's mother uses to evaluate movie appropriateness, this movie is practically pornography and not OK for anyone under 16. Fortunately, big boy had already seen it at that unplanned sleepover ex didn't have a problem with.

Anyway, I thought the movie was funny. It's about a girly man who's getting married and freaks out because he has no friends and his fiancee has six bridesmaids. The guy is so socially awkward, Big Guns had to leave the room several times under the guise of having to pee. (He admitted later he was embarrassed for the character.) The fiance eventually makes a friend, more funny stuff happens, he breaks up with the friend, he gets married. There are blow job jokes and much bantering about sex. I watched big boy to see if he had any idea what they were talking about. It was hard to tell. Certainly I've never explained oral sex to him. Maybe his friends filled him in. Maybe that's what ex was hoping would happen on the "adventure."

On a different note, ex was a lot like this movie character. He had and continues to have no male friends. I had to whittle my bridal party down to two since he could only come up with his brother and my best friend's ex husband to stand up for him. Ex used to joke that he was a "male lesbian" and preferred women to men. Then again, he didn't/doesn't have many female friends either. And he doesn't keep friends. I collect people like I collect books. Once you're in, you just don't ever leave my shelf. Try it. I'll find you. And now that there's Facebook, no friend can hide from me.

Rent I love you, man. I think you'll like it.

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