Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The cut. What?

One of the ways I make the time go by until I end up in the pine box is reading emails sent to me by New York magazine re: fashion. It's branded "The Cut." Get it? You cut fabric to make fashion/you cut lines of cocaine which I'm sure helps keep models skinny/this is the news worthy to make it to my mailbox--so many meanings in that little name. But why do I read it? Why? (She asks, banging her head against her desk.)  I feel superior because I think to myself "Thank God I'm not part of that scene!" but that's a lie, because by reading the emails I am a fringe part of that scene, which makes me even more pathetic, just being a fringe and not, say, a hemline or zipper. Here's a particularly stimulating headline:

Olivia Munn Wore a Bright Blue Marchesa Dress

 Seriously? Who the fuck is Olivia Munn and who the fuck cares what color dress she wore?


  1. that's so awesome. we're using her in some commercials and i said the same thing - who is she? up and coming i guess. it's okay to be on the fringe. we're all on the fringe. just passing by, tiny specs in an infinite unknown...

  2. Wow. What's she selling and, more importantly, what color dress will she be wearing?
