Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What if you signed up for a divorce support group and nobody came?

Two weeks ago I decided that what I needed was to sit in a room full of equally miserable, traumatized divorcing people and kvetch so I went on Craig's List, found a group in Menlo Park, and paid my $20 via Amazon. I just got an email that it's been canceled due to lack of interest. What does this mean? Is nobody divorcing on the peninsula? If they are, are they not miserable and in need of support? Am I the only f-ed up pre-loved person out there? Hello?

(On a happier note, I haven't felt angry in almost two weeks. Depressed and blue, yes, but that's because I haven't gotten any calls in response to the numerous resumes I've sent out. I have this fear that I'm too old to hire and that my skills are obsolete. I'm thinking about getting a face and booty lift and lying about my age. I have this idea -- and it's possible that it's not based in reality since many of my ideas aren't -- that there is a golden age in advertising for women and I passed it about ten years ago.)

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