Friday, January 21, 2011

Where do kids come up with this stuff?

A friend's daughter got sent to rehab for, get this, over-the-counter cold medicine! How old am I that I didn't even know about this? Apparently, if you take enough Robitusson--something like 30 pills or a couple of bottles--you get a high akin to LSD. I know because I googled it and Dateline had done a segment on it a six years ago. I asked my teenager if he'd heard of such a thing. "That's old news," he said. Maybe I am as stupid as he thinks I am. Then I asked him where he'd heard of it. He replied, "South Park."

As a teenager, I would have considered South Park educational. Legal, OTC drugs? Yes! I can see myself driving to ten different pharmacies with a fake cough and buying one package of Robitusson at each one, so as not to arouse any suspicions because that's the kind of addict I am: self conscious and shame averse. I think my friend's daughter just stole the stuff and for that she's doing a year in rehab. My teenage addict thinks "poor kid." My adult in recovery thinks "lucky kid." I hope she gets it.


  1. crazy. i get so terrified thinking back to what i used to put into my body. terrified.

  2. On the good side, they have discovered that our brains, along with our livers, regenerate. There is hope.
