Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Things could be worse; I could be Sarah Palin.

Even though I'm an alcoholic and unemployed and have gained five pounds in the last two weeks, at least I'm not Sarah Palin. How self deluded, defensive, greedy and downright annoying can a person be? Of all people, I know how hard it is to admit when you've made a mistake, but, trust me, you'd look a lot better if you'd just admit that using a target, even as a metaphor, for going after political rivals might not have been the best idea. 

At my worst, cross-eyed drunk, angry, mean, and defensive--I can think of one boozy evening at my sister's house where I told my boys what a jerk their dad was and that if we got divorced, it would be his fault--there was still a part of me that knew I was cross-eyed drunk, angry, mean, and defensive. I blame a lot of my inability to say "I'm sorry" on my drinking. Hey, Sarah, what's your excuse?

1 comment:

  1. most people live under a heavy blanket of denial. the first step to making any progress is admitting we have a problem... SP is probably not capable of such a courageous act.
