Saturday, February 6, 2010

Life as my Netflix picks.

I recently received from Netflix: In the Loop, a dry British docucomedy about the Iraq war, Waltz with Bashir, an Israeli film about war, and Yoga to Awaken your Chakras. Before that, it was Little Dorritt, The Hangover, and some Japanese anime movie for the boys.

From experience, I know the Netflix brain likes to analyze its users. "If you liked American Pie, you'll love Porkys." When you take the bait, I imagine it breathes a sigh of relief at being able to categorize you. "This person is developmentally arrested and enjoys teenage-boy humor with fart jokes and bare breasts. Got boatloads of that!"

Maybe it's just me thinking I'm unique, but I imagine I've stumped the chump and that smoke's coming out of the Netflix brain's ears. God my life is small.

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