Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I have this box of angel cards that I've been consulting a lot lately because I will do anything--anything--to find answers to life's BIG questions such as "What should I do now?" In one form or another, this is the question I ask daily.

The angels appear to have their own agenda. Sometimes I'll pick a card that suggests I focus on my spiritual life or a card that suggests I spend some time in nature. Yesterday I picked Francesca, who had this to say:

What do you desire right now? Visualize it, and it will come about. Negativity will block your progress. You have been asking God and the angels, 'What is next for me?' Yet, we have been waiting for you to make that decision for yourself? This is why you have felt stuck lately. The impasse occurs because you are afraid of making a 'wrong' decision. We can help you to decide, but ultimately, the next chapter of your life is up to you. This is a period of your life that is unscripted.
Your desires are like a painting that you create upon the canvas of your life. Like an artist, you must decide what the theme, background, and foreground will be within your picture. Take some time out to meditate, pray upon, and contemplate this important decision. Be creative, and maintain standards for yourself. But remember: If you don't make a decision, that's the same thing as deciding that everything shall remain the same.
Nice punt back to me. I want the angels to tell me what to do next: send your novel to (insert name of agent). Even still, it's kind of spooky or miraculous.  Although, who isn't afraid of making a wrong decision?

If you're stubborn like me, you'll live with that wrong decision for 17 years before making a decision to change, if ever. How do you know when something is right? Wouldn't it be great if we had a sign, a green light that shone out our belly buttons when we were headed in the right direction?

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