Sunday, October 3, 2010

One week down.

Seven to go. Everybody in this agency, save for five or so big shots, works in a big, open pen outfitted with long tables, which are like desks for three. There aren't even cubicles. It makes it very difficult to play my Scrabble turn without the whole office seeing they're paying me to beat my friend B with another "QAT" on a triple word score. So. The work. It's just not that interesting -- Sisyphean in fact. I'd open a vein if I thought this is what I'd have to do for the rest of my life but I'm sure all will be forgotten as soon as I get my first paycheck. It'll certainly help pay for the $5 grande latte I have to suck down at 3 every day to make it till quitting time. I try a different flavor everyday! Pumpkin spice lattes are back! It must be fall.

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