Thursday, October 7, 2010

Odds and ends.

Does anybody else hate the overly sensitive tracking pad on their MacBook so that when you inadvertently brush your hand across it the windows on the screen go large or small and you think that there's something wrong with your eyes? No?

I got my first paycheck from the second agency. They use a service, a sort of temp agency, since they hire so many freelancers and the temp agency takes out all the taxes and what not and over half of my check went to the government. Ex never complained about taxes -- he lived on grants and government loans and assistance for so long -- seriously, he didn't have a real, full-time job until he was in his 30s! -- that he was happy to give back and give more. He was grateful for good roads and stuff like that. I'm trying to channel some of him right now.


  1. That is my whole beef with taxes. I am happy to pay if I received value. Where is my god-damn healthcare!

  2. No kidding. A part of me would never sell my soul to a corporation if I didn't need to score benefits. Even still, my Pilates partner, a nurse married to a surgeon, has to have her knee worked on and told me that Blue Cross, while covering the surgery, wouldn't be paying for her crutches.
