Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Things fall apart.

Specifically, Big Gun's life. He's having an even harder time than this pre-loved, divorcing gal and it is effecting me. I was informed by my trusted counselor therapist that this is because I'm deep in a co-dependent addiction and needed to get to an Al Anon meeting yesterday. Is there any addiction out there that I don't have? F.

Sometimes it is hard to see the good in a heap of crumbled trash and so I shall re-post this parable from one of my favorite bloggers, Therese Borchard of Beyond Blue. It helps to remember that I unnecessarily attach judgment to situations when I don't know -- never will know -- the full story. I will try to be like the poor old man. I was about to say that I have the "poor" part down but that's a judgment and, compared to most of the rest of the world, I'm wildly rich. Progress not perfection...

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