Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If, then thinking.

I've been doing a lot of this lately. If I had a job, then I'd feel secure. If I won the lottery, then I'd have no worries. If I were still married, then -- what? -- I'd not have to think about health care. I have to remind myself that this is it -- today is the day I've been given. It reminds me again of the saying on D's refrigerator which I've put on mine: Accept that life is full of challenges and choose to be happy anyway.

This moment right now is the gift. Poof! It's already gone. See how fast it goes? Job, marriage, money --- even with all that, I'd still be me and still be riddled with worry and ennui and fear. If I'd just accept that wherever I go (and whoever I'm not married to) there I am, then I'll be OK. (Ha ha. That's a little joke.) Seriously folks, embrace the now. I'm off to do a gratitude list.

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