Monday, September 14, 2009

Two-cone days and shallow regrets

Last week I had a few one-cone days and was feeling optimistic but the weekend sent me back to the freezer. All this negotiation about who takes the children and when and me judging whether a poetry reading is more important that seeing your boys. Saturday was a three-cone day.

So, besides the obvious good and bad life changes that accompany divorce -- like getting the whole bed to myself but also having to find a job in the worst economy since the great depression -- I'm missing my rings. It's shallow but I love them still. This picture doesn't do them justice. It's like losing a limb. I know some women have the diamonds re-set into divorce pendants and brooches but I don't love the diamonds, I love the whole package. Is it bad luck to pass on a pre-loved ring to your children or nieces? Does it carry bad mojo? Some kind of divorce curse? Should I sage stick them?

Stay tuned. Tomorrow I'm going to post a picture of a distraction that's even better than ice cream cones. 

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