Thursday, September 10, 2009

Divorce-onset ADD but optimistic.

Here is what is on my night stand at the moment. Apparently I don't have the attention span to cook a full meal or finish a book. This truth doesn't stop me from trying. I picked up two new books at the library today and I'm cooking dinner this very minute. (So far, I've only charred one side of the sausages, easily hidden in the "plating up.")

On a side note, yesterday I went to pick a piece of leafy detritus off my bedroom floor that was dragged in on the cat's tail and, maybe because I was wearing really cute 4-inch Marc Jacob platforms and tight bell bottom jeans, something tweaked in my lower back. Now I'm walking around like my father after a long day of gardening -- the hunched-over, old-man shuffle. It's not helping my mood. My friend D said that the lower back is the center of financial insecurity. No shit. While I wait to win the Lottery, I'm taking Aleve. 

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