Friday, June 17, 2011

Literary rejection: the other white meat.

Got a decently long email rejection that went on for pages outlining my small, embarrassing mistakes and the larger problems with my story—no style, nothing that says this is Eileen. (And I had worried my story was all style, no plot.) I had misspelled freshman and made other "miscalibrations" (This isn't a word, but poets like to make words up and they can when they have degrees from Harvard.) I was aghast and awed.

At first I felt this editor was an overeducated prig who recommended I read people I’d never heard of—Cyril Connolly's book is in my bag right now--but then I came to admire him for his attentions to lil ol’ me. I must have something to elicit this reponse. So I googled him.

He is a renaissance man, not just a poet, but a designer of posters and books who edits several literary journals, writes esoteric blogs and quotes more writers I’ve never heard of. He translates books from German and Spanish. (He's probably a musician, too.)

There was something about his formerly skinny child-self and now schlubby academic that made me feel depressed. Possibly I felt deflated for lacking the training and intellect he worked so hard at inflating, but it was that black hole feeling I get when I'm around an active addict and our divorce attorney. He uses so many words, quotes so many people, puts up so many ideas, and says so little--a man hiding behind his intellect.  He is also a committed atheist and organizes meetings for atheists (a form of church?). If he didn’t believe in words, I would have cried for the emptiness of him. And then--boom!-- I get it; he is ex.


  1. fuck him and his bullshit. you are a tremendous writer. and there is someone out there who will be the perfect match for you and support your writing and help you to flourish. rejection is god's protection. tell the fat fuck to put that in his godless pipe and smoke it. i love you and cannot wait to read your book!
