Sunday, February 13, 2011

Secret mormon mother stalker.

So my friend Sandee sends me this link to an article about feminists who obsessively read blogs written by Mormon women. I have plenty of character defects, but I was fairly certain that wasn't one of them.

I regularly read several blogs written by really cheery moms--the type that I hate in person--but they aren't Mormon, at least that's what I thought. One mentioned going to church but also talked about going to bars so I was thinking she was Catholic. My bloggers don't look like Mormons; they don't have piercings or tattoos, but they do wear army boots.

Post article, I started noticing the tells, like multiple children and mentions of missions and husbands who get advanced degrees and the wife still stays home. (Who pays the fucking bills is what I want to know? God, I guess.) I'm not exactly a feminist, but OMG I've become Mormon mom stalker. Why? I'm held and repelled. I hate optimists, yet I'm attracted to the belief these women have that it's always going to be OK. They never worry about money. They never question their choices. And they do nice crafts.

Reading them is like watching an episode of "Friends," where good looking underemployed people live in fabulously decorated apartments (no hand-me-down Ikea sofas) and wear perfect clothes (never the same thing twice) and never talk about the cost of living. Is that what it's like to be Mormon? Right now it sound like a never-ending ecstasy trip.

The reason I keep coming back is probably because I never have to have coffee, I mean caffeine-free diet Coke, with any of them.