Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hemorrhaging money

I've opened a vein this month and the bloodletting is ongoing -- on top of Xmas, my car needed four new tires ($600) and $1,200 of service, the cats had to go to the vet ($200), and the garage door broke ($100).

The ex has a modest inheritance from dead aunt Una and uncle Howard. The fact that I had to drive three hours with babies and toddlers to spend a few tortuous afternoons with them makes me feel I should get at least some of it but the law states that any gifts or inheritance received during marriage is NOT shared. This, along with tight underwear and slow drivers, pisses me off.
Yesterday the ex stopped by to pick up a fat check from the IRS made out to both of us but which was an additional refund from the inheritance and, therefore, not mine. I can't tell you how it hurt handing him that thing. I couldn't; I had to place it on the table between us and let him pick it up. My heart rate is elevating just reliving it.

As a consolation, there is something called a 2460 which entitles me to get back the money I had saved pre-marriage which we used to buy our first house and build this vast real estate empire. As he is sitting on Howard and Una's fat nest egg, yesterday I asked the ex if I could have my money back early but he declined. Does any of this change anything? Does it alter who I am? I need a nap.

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