This made me happy. I got to meet, hold, sniff, and rock my friend C's new baby, Aveline. She is so petite and sweet. I haven't held a newborn in quite a while. (And never one this tiny. At a month, she topped the scales at 8 lbs. My babies were 9 lbs. at birth.) She's a little hazelnut (which is what her name means) of love.
In a word, exquisite. |
She's studying the quality and values of the sunlight; her dad is an artist. |
Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I have great style. |
After her lunch and diaper change, I got to walk/rock her to sleep. Those babies fight it and I just love the feeling when they finally give up the ghost, shudder and drift off to dream land. I hope I get invited back.
ok, so my first comment is that you know i'm a new mom when i see that i've worn the same sweatshirt for 4 days straight. my second comment is that i am not a fan of hazelnuts in general, and didn't know that aveline meant "hazelnut" until after i picked the name for the other two meanings: "wanted child" and "little bird", so just in case anyone thinks i'm a nutella addict or something, you now stand corrected. ha ha.