Monday, February 14, 2011

This article ran in Sunday's SF Chronicle. It cleared a few things up for me. I have been confused why some economic news appears to be good, retail sales are up, traffic is increasing, homes continue to sell, ex gets a 45K bonus, and yet Big Guns and I still can't find good jobs. I've been waiting for the proverbial "trickle down," which is like waiting for Santa. True capitalism and free markets will never work because people are selfish pigs. We're pack animals. We live in herds or groups or communities or whatever you want to call it and part of the responsibility of living in these herds/communities is taking care of all our members. Fucking rich people.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Eileen, it's Jeff S. from your Poppe daze. Daniel T tipped me off to your blog, so here I am. Love the sharp-edged wit. Here's a link to my blog:

    If you'd like, please send me an email at jeffshattuck [at] gmail [dot] com.

    Hope to hear from you.
