Thursday, February 10, 2011

Squeamish people look away.

The procedure went as well as can be expected when a sweet, young doctor is sticking needles in your eyelids. I didn't feel the cutting stitching but I could smell my flesh burning as it was being cauterized and the blood dripping into my eyes. Apparently, I sailed through in record time. It was all over in 30 minutes. I was groggy from the valium and anti-puke pill plus the whole idea that somebody had cut through my eyelids. I could see light when he sliced even though my eyes were closed. Creepy.

Anyway, I came home and rested and, because I'm not very good at resting, I got up and made a pot of soup then decided to take a pain pill (my drug of choice, BTW) since I was having a bit of throbbing and it's always best to nip that in the bud. I ate a bowl of soup, chatted with mom (although I couldn't look up), ate another bowl of soup, started to feel "off," headed to bed, but only got as far as the hallway where I fainted.

Fainting is an odd thing. It's like the lights just get turned off. I've done it three times before--doctor's office, my own bathroom, and a crowded movie theater lobby. I'm practically a professional and, indeed, did not hurt myself this or any of those other times. I mean I could could fall on an ax or the corner of a bookshelf or something, but I just crumple delicately to the floor. At least that's how I imagine it.

Here's a photo. Forgive me. I look like Frankenstein. I am ashamed and embarrassed that I did this to myself. Was I that bored?


  1. My GORGEOUS EILEEN!!! Let go of the shame and embarrassment, but please call me if you ever consider slicing up your beautiful face again!

    You are FABULOUS, BOLD, BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL, so though you love your niece, no more beauty advice from 20 year olds who work in plastic surgeons offices!
