Monday, May 9, 2011

Apples and oranges.

At my second interview, I was given a math problem of the word variety, i.e. a train leaves the station going 35 miles an hour and hits a 19% grade and is carrying a full load of passengers but 20% of them are overweight how long does it take to go 200 miles away? That kind of question. I was interviewing for the job was for editorial content manager. Here's a tougher question: how are these two things related? I'm not terrible at math, but I was flummoxed thinking there was some trick I was missing, some other reason I was being asked this, for instance maybe I was being filmed for some new reality show: Interviews Gone Awry, true tales of sweat and squirm.

On a more excellent note, as a lucky alcoholic I got to see Annie L. of Marin speak at an AA meeting. (For those of you not in the know, that's Annie Lamott.) She was terrific, of course. She makes recovery look like fun. That meeting was preceded by an Al-Anon meeting. Ex is a card-carrying member, but I've never been to one. The take away, their big catch phrase is the three Cs: didn't cause it, can't control it, and can't cure it. Now you know all there is to know about that program.

I'm not due back at AOL until Thursday. My fantasy of the CEO finding my copy on a printer and exclaiming "Who wrote this recruitment ad? It's genius. Hire her on the spot and pay her whatever she wants" didn't happen. No, my copy is making its rounds but mostly being ignored by the people who are supposed to be approving it. Happy Monday.


  1. A math problem? A MATH PROBLEM? God, that would have been it for me. I don't do math. What was the point?

  2. i would have replied, "if you give a writer a ridiculous statical equation, how long would it take for the writer to walk out of the interview and by what time would said writer be shoving hamburgers down her throat?"... seriously? wow.

  3. That is truly bizarre!

    Today, I was stumped on a second-grade math question. What is the difference between a bar graph and a chart? My answer: They are the same thing. If you are wondering what the difference is between the guy interviewing you and an arrogant are getting the same response from me.

  4. Turn the tables. Why are these people on the train? Where are they going? Why have they chosen such a practical form of transformation? Now who's asking the questions....uh hun. That's right!

  5. the jokes on me. I meant transportation.
