Friday, May 28, 2010

Fingers crossed.

I've applied for two jobs today; one I'd really, really like to be considered for. I hope it's meant to be. My spiritual life has been on hiatus for a week or two. I let myself get sucked into other people's lives and dramas and it's time to refocus.
As for the rainy weather in California...I'm glad it doesn't feel like summer because I am not ready for having the boys home full-time yet. No, I'm not looking forward to that. Not at all. The only benefit of being unemployed and broke is the six-hour block of alone time I have when the boys are at school. What's left when that's gone? When will I write?
Oh, speaking of writing. I haven't been writing anything new but I've been revising. I'm sending a story out next week. Fingers crossed about that, too. It feels good to be back in the fiction saddle.
I had several decent conversations with ex this week. His mother is in the hospital -- not good. I suppose we are at that age when our parents begin failing. (Well, everybody else but me since my parents are hearty, hale and young.) I still find ex extremely amusing and I like and miss talking to him. So we chat about his mom, joke about the kids and all of a sudden he stops -- it's like he realizes we've crossed a boundary or something or we've gotten too comfortable and he says he has to go. It's happened twice this week.
I have always had a mental connection with ex. He was my best friend for a very long time. We met via writing and -- I've said this before -- I loved him before I ever met him. It's the physical connection that was always lacking. This is the danger of meeting via ads or the internet -- you can't know if you have compatible spit/chemistry until you actually collide. If sex were not an issue, I'd have gladly spent all my days with ex. And then there's Big Guns, where it's all chemistry. It's kind of frightening to realize that's the kind of guy who floats my boat. Maybe, as somebody suggested, there is a combination of the two out there. I sound as if I'm shopping again. F.

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