Saturday, March 3, 2012

Dude, we have an agent.

Now I can say things like "I'll have to check that out with my agent" and "I'm having lunch with my agent." She's bi-coastal. She repped Wally Lamb. I know this is her job, but she loves my writing. I sign the contract next week. She asked me what my dream was and I realized I didn't have one. I'm too scared to dream. How pathetic is that? So she helped me out and tossed one out for me: "Would you like to be a bestselling author? To get paid to write novels?" Yes. That's my dream. It was just too out-of-scope for me to ever imagine. This is just the first step. The odds are that dream will stay a dream but, as my friend Tracey puts it:



  1. awesome news, congrats!!!

  2. I knew your time was coming! Just remember the little people who loved your writing before you were famous and at the top of the NYT best seller list.

  3. Deliriously overjoyed!!! OMG! Woman, you are the most talented writer I know. Thank God someone else recognized it. It's high time! Love you! :)

  4. OH MY GOD!!!!

    Eileen - this makes me beyond happy. My heart is singing for you. Dream big, sister. This is it!

    Dying to know how you found an agent? I have a million questions... Can I email you?

