Thursday, May 5, 2011

Oh shit.

I think I was a better writer when I was drinking. Drunk, hungover, high on whatever, I had this singular focus and could ignore my aching ass and the cries of my hungry children and stinking guinea pig cages. Now? I have sober-onset ADD. I can't stop multitasking. What if I can never write anything good again? It reminds me of this guy I met in the house--he was a professional sommelier. How sad is that? Finding out your an alcoholic sommelier? He said he thought most of them, and chefs, were. I suppose if you drink enough, the cucumber eventually turns into a pickle. See? See what I mean? This post was about my inability to focus and I've just proved my point.

1 comment:

  1. Um. I believe you were just published In the Oxford Magazine, and you were not drunk when you wrote it.
