Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I'd like this to end now.

Maybe an exectomy would help. I did purge my house of all photos of him, us and his family. I put them in a bag for him to deal with or throw away. I don't think I should have to deal with the all the detritus of our past. What to do with this porcelain statue of a wedding couple (a wedding gift from friends of my parents)? What to do with that old wedding dress of mine -- 25 lbs. of Scaasi designed beauty? I'm thinking Ebay.
Things are slightly better now that he's back in the country and I'm not imagining him, or rather his girlfriend, buying Hermes scarves and Prada purses at Italian prices which is just crazy since she doesn't seem the type. And is that truly, shallowly what I had my panties in a wad about? I didn't get to shop in Italy because my husband and I got divorced? I think so. Mario was excited to see ex after two weeks and excited to see what ex brought him. (Apple doesn't fall far from tree, I'm afraid.) Saturday he swung by to pick up a video game and I asked him what his dad got him. "A shirt like this," he points to the shirt on his back that ex brought back for him from ex's "you went to rehab so I get to go to Italy" trip last year, "and a bracelet." "I'm sorry," I said. But inside I was doing a jig because ex screwed up, that he forgot what he bought Mario last year and, apparently, forgot that he's a boy, at least a boy who doesn't have proclivities for jewelry. That's what I'd like to be done with. Taking joy in somebody's failures, at least somebody who hasn't been elected.

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